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5 Easy Tips and Hacks for Brewing Coffee at Home

Everyone can relate to the feeling that comes with that first delicious sip of hot coffee in the morning. Going to your favorite Café to enjoy a cup of coffee every morning is great but let’s admit there’s something magical about not having to step out of your house for a quality coffee.

Be your own barista at home! These are the easy hacks and tips for you.


1. Buy Premium Coffee - This tip seems self-explanatory, but it’s important to be selective and choose high-quality beans.

When you purchase premium coffee beans such as ours, you can have confidence knowing you're buying the best of the best.


2. Store Your Beans the Right Way - Place beans in an airtight container.

Never store dry beans in the plastic bag that they came in; it's too easy for moisture and insects to get into those bags. Instead, if you want to store dried beans for longer than a month, put them in an airtight storage container or a glass jar. Keep the container in a cool, dark place. They should last at least 3 years this way.


3. Focus on the Quality of Your Water 

Good-quality water helps you achieve a balanced cup profile, while poor-quality water can affect the aroma and flavor of your coffee. Water makes up 98% of your cup of coffee, so you have to think about how water hardness, minerals, and alkalinity may affect the overall quality and taste.


4. Invest in a Good Coffee Machine

A good personal coffee machine is well worth the cost. You can prepare great café-quality beverages right at home! 


5. Clean Your Machine Regularly

This is important because it helps remove coffee drips, grinds, and the oils that are left behind. Use a scrub sponge dipped in a little baking soda to remove any remaining debris, and rinse well.

If you’re ready to treat yourself to an irresistible cup of coffee every morning, visit our website to find your flavor!

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